Regular School Board Meeting 03-17-20

Open Misc Paperwork
AGENDA A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Monthly Presentation on Student Achievement 3. Appointment Presentations by Members of the Public 4. Adoption of Minutes - February 18, 2020; Regular Meeting/Planning Session 5. Vendor & Payroll Manifests to be signed 6. Consent Agenda a. Resignations b. Nominations – Professional/Extra-Curricular c. Administrator Nominations d. Leaves of Absence 7. Other Business Items a. Set Graduation Date b. Transportation Bid Award c. Signing of MS-22 C. Presentation of Policies/Reports by Superintendent and Staff 1. Voting Results 2. COVID-19 3. Woodbury Renovation 4. Bleacher and Press Box Project D. Information and Proposals from Board Members 1. E. Future Meetings 1. Meeting Dates a. March 24, 2020 – Planning Session b. March 31, 2020 – Regular Meeting –Organizational Meeting c. April 14, 2020 – Regular Meeting d. April 21, 2020 – Regular Meeting / Planning Session 2. Future Agenda Items a. Solar Panel Bid b. Food Service Program – March 24 Planning Session c. Presentation on Preschool Program – April 21 Regular Meeting d. Health and Wellness F. Adjournment

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